🤔 Today's Trivia Question:

The Three Founders of Apple Had All Originally Worked Where?

3 Founders of Apple: Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, & Steve Wozniak

Correct Answer: A) Atari

💻 The Forgotten Apple Co-Founder Who Sold His Stake for $800

Apple Inc., one of the world’s most iconic technology companies, was co-founded on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. While Jobs and Wozniak are widely known today, Wayne, the third co-founder, played a pivotal role in Apple’s early days. At the time, Wayne was working at Atari, where he had become acquainted with Jobs. His main contribution involved administrative support, including drafting the original partnership agreement that officially established the company.

However, less than two weeks after Apple’s founding, Wayne made the decision to sell his 10% stake for just $800. Shortly after, he received an additional $1,500 to relinquish any further claims to the company, a sum that equates to roughly $11,000 in today’s dollars. His choice was largely influenced by concerns over personal liability, as he had significant personal assets at stake. Unlike Jobs and Wozniak, who had little to lose financially, Wayne felt he could not take the risk.

Though his 10% share would have eventually been worth billions, Wayne has remained content with his decision, explaining that he acted in line with his circumstances at the time. After leaving Apple, he returned to work at Atari and later settled into a quiet life in Pahrump, Nevada, where he enjoys collecting and selling stamps and rare coins. Interestingly, it wasn’t until many years later that Wayne received his first Apple product—an iPad 2, gifted to him by a friend.

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