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  • What Soft Drink Began in Morrison's Drug Store in Waco, TX in 1885?

🤔 Today's Trivia Question:

What Soft Drink Began in Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas in 1885?

Correct Answer: B) Dr. Pepper

Keurig Dr Pepper: The Timeless Journey of America's Unique Beverage

Keurig Dr Pepper holds a notable place in history as the oldest major manufacturer of soft drink concentrates and syrups in the United States. The company's cornerstone, Dr Pepper, debuted in 1885 in Waco, Texas, establishing itself as a distinctively American beverage. The drink's creation is attributed to Charles Alderton, a pharmacist who, inspired by the aromatic blend of fruit syrup scents in his drugstore, concocted a unique beverage that captured these essences.

The drink quickly gained popularity, initially known as "Waco" at Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store, where Alderton worked. The name "Dr. Pepper" was later adopted, though its exact origin remains shrouded in mystery, with numerous theories existing. One such local theory includes a girl… its said that the drugstore owner Wade Morrison, offered the name “Dr. Pepper” which was intended to impress Morrison's would-be father-in-law, Dr. Pepper. Despite the relationship not materializing, the drink flourished, enriching Morrison.

The drink's success necessitated a larger production scale, leading to the formation of the Artesian Mfg. & Bottling Company by Morrison and beverage chemist Robert S. Lazenby, which eventually evolved into the Dr Pepper Company. Dr Pepper's nationwide fame was significantly boosted at the 1904 World's Fair Exposition in St. Louis, where it was introduced to nearly 20 million attendees. Over the years, the brand has employed various slogans and icons to resonate with the public, reflecting cultural trends and consumer insights. Notable slogans have included "King of Beverages," "Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4," and "Be a Pepper," each embodying the drink's unique appeal and heritage. The current slogan, "There's just more to it," highlights the 23 fruit flavors that contribute to Dr Pepper's distinctive taste.

The secretive Dr Pepper formula is stored in two separate Dallas bank vaults, with no individual knowing the complete recipe. Dispelling myths, Dr Pepper doesn't contain prune juice but is a unique blend of fruit extracts.

Special variants like Dublin Dr Pepper, made with pure cane sugar, were highly prized.

Dr Pepper Poker, inspired by the drink's historical 10, 2, and 4 advertising slogan, adds a quirky twist to the traditional card game, echoing the drink's longstanding cultural impact.